
Just typing away, for no apparent reason, because i like the clicking sound.

Producing rubbish. Automatic text. no reason whatsoever. Do not even check for typos,, although you know they mwill be many. Just. Type.

Forget the reasons why this one needs to be great. Groundbreaking. Somewhat exceptional. Something to really stand out and shake the Earth at its core. Unique. It does not have to be any of this. It just has to BE, rather than not to be (I think I have read this somewhere).

This is not original either. You have read this very advice number of times before and right now you are thinking it adds nothing new to what you already know. And you are absolutely right, because so did I… I have read it hundreds of times phrased in fifty different ways. I have bookmarked it, and made promises to myself.

But this time is different, since I am finally doing it. Do you think this blurt is nothing special? Not really worth reading? Do you feel I did not really put any effort into putting this together? Good.

In that case it is serving its purpose right now. If I can publish this, you can publish anything. Be better than me. Make it easy on yourself for once.

The only difference is, that this time I have actually sat down to type. With no specific plan, the words just emerged.

It is way too easy to come up with reasons why this is not the right moment, the right idea, the right approach.

There is always going to be plethora of reasons to do more research, take out the trash or trim your nose hair… anything extremely urgent at the moment, to prevent you from starting. Do not let it. Start anyway.

It will only get better with time.

Just. Keep. Typing.

One stroke at a time.


